Relationship Model
At Newbury Independent School our approach is the 'relationship model', this is where students and teachers work together in one form for all subjects. This type of setting is familiar to the students and is strategic in supporting them to settle in quite quickly. The student will have additional support where the specific curriculum or extra curriculum subjects falls outside the specialism of their form tutors. We recognise that the secondary school experience may be challenging to some students and we aim to work in partnership with all significant others, who are involved in the education of the young person, to achieve a positive outcome for the present and future.
Here at Newbury, we go on many many trips, both educational and rewards. Our students have a say in which trips they would want to go on and all our educational trips are vastly informative.
Community Partnerships
We work in partnership with parents and the local community.
Our PCSO's continue their support
They visit regularly!
We work closely alongside the Local PCSO's providing a joint up appraoch to keep not only our Students, but all young people in the area out of trouble.
The Lighthouse, Aston
(Currently closed due to COVID-19)
Our school utilises resources at the local young peoples centre, including the kitchens, to complete cooking lessons and the music studios enabling our students to develop a range of skills to prepare them to access better opportunities.
Parent Governors
Mrs S.Junior
We believe one of the most important voices within an educational establishment is the Parents, we hold a Parent Governor Board and make sure Parents are involved in every step of their child's future.