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Becoming a Newbury Student

Who makes referrals?

Parents/Carers or Representative from the local authority 
Education Services, Social Services or Community Services


How to contact the school

Referrals can be made by

Email: or Tel: 0121 803 0831


Parents are advised to speak with the head teacher or senior leaders of the school their child attends, before approaching Newbury Independent School. Parents of students with an Education Health Care Plan would need to notify SENAR of their school preference before proceeding. In the case of a young person who is at risk of permanent exclusion, discussions can be arranged with the head teacher of their existing school to arrange a transfer from their school to Newbury Independent School.

Front of NIS.jpg

Visiting the school

All visits are made by prior arrangement with the school. Local Authority staff, social workers, parents and prospective pupils are welcome to visit the school.

Reception Area front view.JPG

Making the decision

A meeting of all parties concerned is convened to make an initial assessment. If appropriate a referral from is completed and a plan of action for the commencement of the school placement is agreed.

School Application
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